List of Spring Flowers

Anemone nemorosa or Windflower

The anemone is named the Wind Flower as it was credited that wind is what made it to flower. The most of species are the preferable garden plants, bearing the flowers in a vast array of colors.

Apple Blossom (Pyrus coronaria)

Apple Blossom represents Arkansas State Flower. It is considered to be one of the most aromatic and splendid flowered species.


Azaleas represent nice flowering shrubs belonging to the genus Rhododendron.


It was prosaically named 'flowering onion'; their flowers are dazzling.

Belladonna Lily or Naked lady (Amaryllis)

This bulbous plant gives rise to white with crimson veins, pinkish and purplish blooms. The plant is also commonly called the "Jersey Lily", the name got in honor of the Channel Island.

Birds of Paradise (Strelitzia)

This exotic plant bears the solitary flower, looking like a vividly colored flying bird, hence its common name. The uncommon shape and attractive colors of the flower make the plant very popular in landscaping.


Begonia flowers come in a vast array of colors; it is widely grown as a houseplant.

Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa)

Blackthorn represents either a big shrub or small tree reaching up to 5 m high, with blackish bark and rich spiny branches.

Bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)

Bluebell bears the lavender-blue blooms in the shape of bell with slight fragrance.


These evergreen shrubs thrive in open forest areas and woodlands.

Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis)

Bloodroot is among the early spring flowering plants that are pleasant to behold.

Cherry blossom or Sakura

These trees in the full flower are one of the most splendid sights.

Calla Lily (Zantedeschia)

Calla lily is a unique and glorious flowering plant making a showy addition to the home or garden. They are common flowers for weddings and cut flower arrangements.

Cornflower or Bachelor's Button (Centaurea cyanus)

The plant's cultivars in pastel colors are widely used as ornamentals and cut flowers. Beside of, cornflower is sometimes used as a culinary ornament.


These herbaceous plants come in various colors depending on the species. Some of them are common ornamental plants grown in gardens.

Casa Blanca Lily

Casablanca Lily produces big, pure white, fragrant blooms that are widely used by florists and for weddings.


Crocus is believed by many as the first spring flower; though many major bulbs bloom even earlier during spring season.


Camellias are widely grown as ornamental plants; it represents the Alabama State Flower.

Contra Costa Goldfields (Lasthenia conjugens)

This early springtime plant creates large colonies.

Common Silverbell (Halesia tetraptera)

Silverbell is a small deciduous white-flowering tree attaining the height of 10 m.

Chestnut oak (Quercus prinus)

Chestnut oak represents a species of oak from the white oak group.


Its blooms are available in an abundance of shapes, colors, and patterns. Dahlia plants are widely planted for judged shows; it is a fantastic cut flower and suitable for container gardening.

Dogwood tree

Dogwood tree is a beautiful addition to any garden.

Daffodils (Narcissus)

Daffodils are loved flowers by almost any gardeners.

Dead Nettle (Lamium)

In spite of its unpleasant name the plant is quite attractive.


Dewberries are notable by dew-like texture and tasty berries.

Dog's Mercury (Mercurialis perennis)

Dog's Mercury produces green almost unseen flowers; it is considered to be a poisonous.

Early Star-of-Bethlehem (Gagea bohemica)

Early Star-of-Bethlehem bears delicate flowers in yellow color.

Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis)

Eastern Redbud represents either a large shrub or small tree, usually growing to 6-9 m long with an 8-10 m spread.


This herbaceous plant is recognized as one of the popular gardening plants. Its elegant shape and long vase span make them a preferable cut plant, prized for the citrus-scented blooms.

Flannel flower (Actinotus helianthi)

Flannel flower is a usual sight in Sydney, Australia bush land in springtime; that is why it is also called Sydney Flannel flower.

Field Wood-rush (Luzula campestris)

Field Wood-rush can be met in all types of grassland such as lawns, golf-courses and fields.

Golden Bells Plant (Forsythia)

One of the earliest tokens of spring arrival is when the Forsythia is mantled with numerous yellow flowers, which spread from the ground to the top of cascading branches.


This exotic flower produces very aromatic creamy-white blooms and lustrous, deep-green foliage. Gardenias are fantastic cut flowers; in addition, they are utilized as screens, hedges, borders or ground covering plants.

Glory Lilies or Flame Lilies (Gloriosa species)

With their exotic red flowers blotched by yellow on a climbing vine give a splash of life to any garden.


An abundance of geranium species is cultivated for landscape usage and pharmaceutical products.

Greater celandine (Chelidonium majus)

Such parts of the plant as roots, herb and juice are utilized for medicinal properties.


Gerberas are ones of the most popular flowers among florists; they are perfect flowering plants for giving color to any room or garden.

Golden Wattle (Acacia pycnantha)

Golden Wattle represents a Floral Emblem of Australia; with its vivid yellow, aromatic blooms it is a preferable garden plant.

Ghost Flower (Mohavea confertiflora)

Ghost Flower gives nectar for attracting female bees.

Glory of the Snow (Chionodoxa luciliae)

Glory of the Snow blooms either in late winter or early spring, once the snow melts; it looks nice in rock gardens or sunny places of woodland gardens.

Grape Hyacinth (Muscari species)

Grape Hyacinth bears spikes of bluish blooms looking like a bunch of grapes, hence the plant’s common name.

Heath (Erica)

There are more than 700 species of Erica plants ranging from small shrubs to medium trees. Some of them are used for landscaping; others can be planted in pots.

Hyacinth (Hyacinthus)

This spectacular plant is highly-appraised for its strong fragrance. Coming in vast array of colors, it makes perfect bedding, bordering and cut plants.

Hellebores (Helleborus)

These herbaceous flowering plants are commonly grown in gardens for decorative purposes and medicinal purposes.

Hollyhock (Alcea rosea)

Hollyhock is popular ornamental plant valued for its bright coloring.


Hosta represents a genus of nearly 45 species of lily-like plants with northeast Asian origin.

Hawthorn (Crataegus species)

Hawthorn (Crataegus species) is a lovely small tree or shrub; the majority of species and hybrids make good ornamentals and street trees.


Impatiens is highly-appraised by its dazzling flowers.


Irises are splendid gardening plants. As the word Iris stands for ‘rainbow’, iris flowers are available in blue and purples white and yellow, pink and oranges brown and red, and even black coloring.


Jasmine is a favorite flower all over the globe, especially in tropics; it is valued for its uncommon scent.

Jack in the Pulpit or Wake Robin (Arisaema triphyllum)

Jack in the Pulpit or Wake Robin bears spectacular blooms in yellowish-green color; some of then are marked by purplish or brownish stripes.

Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos manglesii, Anigozanthos flavidus)

Kangaroo Paw bears big colorful, velvety blooms, lacking any scent. Being fantastic cut flowers and ornamentals, Kangaroo Paws are exported throughout the world and are cultivated for commercial purposes in America, Israel and Japan.

Lily of the Nile (Agapanthus)

This amazing flowering plant typically produces funnel-shaped flowers, in various cues of blue colors with white flowering forms appearing. They are perfect garden and landscape plants.

Larkspur (Delphinium)

This attractive plant bears plenty of flowers, ranging between purple, blue, red, yellow or white. The majority of the species are widely grown in the garden.


Lilacs are high on the list of most unforgettable flowering plants that are remarkable by their pleasant scent.

Lisianthus (Eustoma Grandiflorum)

Lisianthus is common in horticulture, as an ornamental plant, the one grown in pots and as a cut flower.

Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis)

Lily of the Valley is a valued garden plant, grown for its fragrant blooms; in the language of flowers it stands for the return of happiness.

Lesser celandine (Ranunculus ficaria)

Lesser celandine is a low-growing plant, bearing yellow flowers and flesh-like deep green leaves in the shape of heart.


Marigolds can be found in various colors with the most common of yellow and orange. The majority of plants is notable by strong scent and has been valued in cosmetic treatment.

Mountain-laurel or Spoonwood (Kalmia latifolia)

Mountain-laurel or Spoonwood is immensely grown for its red, pink and white spectacular blooms.


Magnolia Trees represent splendid trees and shrubs with the most popular gardening types called Star Magnolia (Magnolia stellata) and Saucer Magnolia(Magnolia x soulangiana).


These flowering plants represent the most various family of plants known to humankind. Being one of the most adaptable plant groups on the globe, they are prized for a dainty appearance and uncommon structure.

The Peach blossom (Prunus persica)

The Peach blossom represents the Delaware State Flower; it is loved by its tasty and juicy fruit.

The Peony (Paeonia lactiflora)

The Peony is the Indiana State flower; the plants are immensely grown as ornamentals for their big, often fragrant cut flowers.


Phlox represents a genus of about 67 species with some of them blooming in springtime.


Poppy flowering plants are notable by their showy bright colored flowers.


Protea plants are wonderful addition to floral arrangements.

Pussy Willow

Pussy willow plants represent a lot of the smaller species of the genus Salix notable by their furry catkins in early spring season.


Pansies are aromatic and edible flowers being in demand for the most of gardeners.


Petunia bears attractive flowers in the shape of trumpet shaped; these flowering plants represent a genus of greatly cultivated flowering plants.

Primrose (Primula species)

Primrose is traditionally considered to be the first springtime flower.

Rose (Rosa species)

Being one of the most preferable flowers among the lovers, roses symbolize love and appreciation. Perfect gardening and cut flowers take place among the most admired and remindful of flowers.


Ranunculus plants bear brilliant flowers in yellow, orange, white or red colors.

Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus)

Blooming in lavender, white, pink, purple, red, and yellow, Sweet pea is very loved by the most gardeners for their versatile colors and sweet scent, hence its common name. In England the gardeners name this plant a Queen of Annuals.


Statice is an exotic flower that is commonly used in dried flower arrangements.

Shasta daisy (Leucanthemum x superbum)

Shasta daisy with its cheery blooms is a favorite for the perennial border.


This bulbous plant captures attention by its delicate white-colored flowers.

Spring Snowflake (Leucojum vernum)

Spring Snowflake is an eye-catching bulbous plant, being valued for its unusual beauty and elegant display.

Scarlet Sterculia (Sterculia colorata)

This spectacular tree can be also commonly known under the names Bonfire tree, Colored Sterculia or Indian Almond.

Sweet Crabapple (Malus coronaria)

Sweet Crabapple originates from northern United States, representing a bushy shrub with rigid branches, often becoming a small tree with a wide open head.


The small bulbs give rise to dazzling blue and purple flowers.

Spirea or Meadowsweet ( Spiraea species)

Spirea come in such colors as whites, pinks, reds and yellows.

Tulip (Tulipa species)

This bulbous flowering plant takes the 3d place among the most popular flowers all over the world. The plant comes in an abundance of colors, sizes, forms and height.

Tiger Lily

The Tiger Lily is notable by big-sized, fiery orange blossoms coated with spots; they are capable to attain up to 3 in across.


Viburnum is common as garden or landscape plant for their spectacular aromatic flowers and berries.

Wax Flower (Hoya carnosa)

Wax Flower is prized for its delicate flowers and sweet fragrance.

White Rock-Rose (Helianthemum apenninum)

White Rock-Rose is a flowering rock rose, attaining the height up to 50 cm.

Witch Hazel

This shrub bears marvelous yellow blooms; some of its cultivars produce red-colored flowers.

Winter Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis)

Winter Aconite is a nice early plant with yellowish blooms surrounded by a whorl of glossy green; the blooming period take place from January to March.

Yellow anemone (Anemone ranunculoides)

Valued for its attractive rich yellow coloring of the flowers, it is imensely grown as a garden plant, especially by rock garden and alpine garden lovers.


The plants can be found in a great variety of colors, multi-colors and shades. Some of Zinnias make perfect indoor arrangement, others are frown in the gardens and just few are planted as ornamentals.